The School Day

Start of the school day

The school day starts at 8:45am, parents are asked to ensure that children arrive punctually in the morning but not before 8:35am, as no supervision is available before this time. A member of the school staff will be out on the playground from 8:40am each morning.

A Breakfast Club operates between 8am and 8:45am, places can be pre-booked with the school Secretary or through the Remind service – Occasionally it may be able to arrange a 7:45am drop off with prior agreement.

For Safeguarding reasons the school gate will be locked at 9am, any children arriving after that time must come through the schools front office to be registered. Children arriving after 8:50am will be marked at Late, registration closes at 9:30am.

Worship, Assemblies and Celebrations

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternooons the children take part in worship led by a member of the staff or The Worship Team. Alternative Tuesdays our parish priest visits us in school to worship with the children.
Every Friday at 2.55 pm parents, family and friends are invited into school to Celebrate the weeks achievements.


If your child is absent, please telephone school on the first morning of the absence so that we can ensure your child’s safety, if your child is absent for more than one day please continue to inform the school daily until their return. Permission for leave of absence for reasons other than illness should always be sought, in writing, in advance.

If your child has to be withdrawn from the school during the school day (to visit the clinic, doctor etc.) the headteacher or class teacher must be informed, the child must be collected from school by a responsible adult and signed out of school.

End of the school day

The school gate will be unlocked at 3pm each day for access on to the playground.

The school day finishes at 3:15pm, Parents are asked to collect children from the top playground, unless they have signed authorisation for their child to walk/cycle home. Children will remain with staff until a parent or carer arrives.

An After Schools Club operates on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3:15pm – 6pm and Thursday and Friday 3:15pm until 4:30pm, places can be pre-booked with the school Secretary or through the Remind service.