What we do to be safe on line
At Yealand eSafety is a priority; ensuring that we Safeguard pupils and staff using the Internet.
Every year the school holds an eSafety week when the topic is discussed in more detail however the topic is continually revisited through the year to remind everyone how to stay safe.
eSafety topics covered are:
- Cyberbullying Generic_Leaflet
- How to manage our screen time use Internet_matters_Screen_Time_Guide
- Keeping our details safe and other online securities
Internet-matters-parent-Age-Guides-0-5 Internet-matters-Parent-Age-Guides-6-10 Internet-matters-Parent-Age-Guides-11-13
- Online Gaming safety OnlineGamingTips-15May-3
- Moving on to Secondary school MovingUpToSecondarySchoolGuideA5Booklet-PrintReady
Additional online safety advice
Keeping your child safe on Minecraft https://parentinfo.org/article/staying-safe-on-minecraft
Using WhatsApp https://parentinfo.org/article/whatsapp-a-guide-for-parents-and-carers