Spiritual Development

Although Yealand is a Church of England school and its foundations are built on Christianity, the school is inclusive in its teaching and development of pupil’s spiritualism, understanding that the fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life which affect everyone, and is not dependent on a religious affiliation. Through the care and support of experienced teachers, pupils are taught that spirituality is an innate human capacity and that they can grow in spirituality through thought and discussion. Yealand opens up the world through the many opportunities on offer in the enriched curriculum and children can experience the WOWs of the world. Through these children can experience life in its fullness. Built into the curriculum and worship pupils have time to meditate and reflect on life and explore their own thoughts and insights as well as others.

Moral Development

Through caring teachings in line with the Christian ethos children are taught the ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, readily applying this understanding in their own lives and, in doing so, respect the civil and criminal law of England. The consistent behaviour management in place enables pupils to understand of the consequences of their behaviour and actions, recognising that although as Christians we forgive, sanction must still be in place for those bad/poor choices. The diverse curriculum has opportunities for pupils to investigate and offer reasoned views about moral and ethical issues whilst appreciating the views of others.

Social Development

Pupils have the opportunities to take part in a range of different experiences that develops their social skills in different contexts, this includes working and socialising with pupils who are from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds through sports, forest school partnership, Mini Church, Stay and Play sessions etc. The many roles pupils take up in school prepares them for volunteering and cooperating well with others in a variety of communities and social settings. Through the Coram programme delivered in school, pupils role-play different scenarios teaching children the skills and equipping them with the tools to deal with conflict and resolution. Participating in Parliament week annually and including a democracy topic within the curriculum supports pupils to accept and engage with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. The pupils at Yealand develop a positive view of Modern Britain and many former pupils go on to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in the wider world.

Cultural Development

Until recently Yealand had been predominately white middle class families. Over the last few years the school population has changed which has enriched the pupils understanding of differences within the world. Through teaching and activities pupils develop an understanding of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others. The ‘All about Me’ topic in Little Owls (EYFS) & Robin Class (KS1) and the linking schools partnership through Pears Foundation that Swallow Class are involved in, are just a couple of examples how this looks in the curriculum. The charity works the children take part in and the range of celebrations recognised in school gives pupils an appreciation and understanding of the range of different cultures, lifestyles and backgrounds of others within modern Britain; preparation for the wider world. Yealand’s curriculum generates interest to explore, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity. Through discussions pupils begin to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity and this is shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.